The world's most effective leaders are alike in a fundamental sense: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as the quotient of emotional intelligence

     Emotional Intelligence for Business 

Throughout our lives we have tried from the school to increase our intelligence, studying, memorizing and answering correctly what the school calls, however we have found that financial intelligence is extremely important to being a successful businessman, as we must generate money, protect it, leverage among other things.

In business as in many aspects of life, what really matters is the ability that we have to develop a different way of intelligence, an intelligence that will lead us to make the best decisions on the path that will take our company or company.

Known playwrights, such as Daniel Goleman, explain, with scientific support and useful examples, how the ingrained instincts of compulsive competition may cancel such basic faculties decide for oneself, relate to normal, hope for future projects.

As all new knowledge, emotional intelligence found detractors at every step, but it is important to recognize a great truth in the words of j. B. Shaw: "what the heart knows today, the brain will understand tomorrow".
Emotional Intelligence for Business 

The world's most effective leaders are alike in a fundamental sense: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as the quotient of emotional intelligence, or "EQ" for short.

The psychologist David Mclelland made a thorough investigation of leadership found that executives with greater equity exceeded its goals of annual revenue by 15-20%, and that 87% of executives highly classified in equity occurred in the top 33% of the performance-related bonuses.

It is not the intelligence and technical skills are irrelevant, but research clearly shows that a person can have the best training in the world, an acute analytical mind, and an inexhaustible source of clever ideas, but still will not make a great leader, without a high EC.

Research by Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the book emotional intelligence, shows that the levels of equalization to determine up to 85% of success in leadership.
Emotional Intelligence for Business 

Steps to developing emotional intelligence

When we have already become role models, there are other additional steps we can take to develop the emotional intelligence of our collaborators. Let's see some of them.

Set expectations

To develop a higher level of competition in the other, make sure that your goals and expectations are very well-defined. Always check if partners have understood it, asking them to explain what they think it is expected of them.

Help your employees to set challenging but not overwhelming expectations. Excessively high, impossible to achieve, goals or insultingly low not motivate us to give the best of ourselves. Discuss and negotiate specific goals and is willing to reach a compromise. As partners are increasing their level of skills, we can modify or extend the scope of certain objectives, at the individual level.

Always available and offer their support

Contributors work more when they know that they can come to us with their problems or questions. Make sure that everyone knows that you are available to them wherever they need it. If we are so busy with other activities which we are never in the Office, and are never available for our partners, we will promote distrust and diminish loyalty, the polar opposite of the leadership!. His career will develop spontaneously when it is built on the basis of a solid (coefficient of emotional intelligence) EC, rather than in the political game.

Be accessible is not hard, provided that it is aware that means more time. When a friend comes to you for something, leave aside what you're doing and listen carefully, or schedule a time in which both can meet and you can really hear him.

Some commanders and managers assume that accessible and "pleasant" increases personnel unit. It is not the case: the unit only increases when contributors have to rely on you to give answer to all or to approve each step.

Be accessible is not hard, provided that it is aware that means more time. When a friend comes to you for something, leave aside what you're doing and listen carefully, or schedule a time in which both can meet and you can really hear him.

Some commanders and managers assume that accessible and "pleasant" increases personnel unit. It is not the case: the unit only increases when contributors have to rely on you to give answer to all or to approve each step.

Give power and give responsible autonomy partners

Indeed, contributors will come to you with their problems, especially if we maintain an open door policy. Give them all done at work does not contribute to develop their potential so that they can resolve these problems in the future. If we want our employees to assume more responsibilities, we must help them, that aid is not to offer them all the answers but, on the contrary, to ask them questions to help them find their own answers. We sincerely congratulate them when they are able to find the answers, and encourage them to repeat these same steps the next time that they face a problem.

Contributors will be a step forward and assume responsibilities when it eliminates the risk of reprisals. If they use good judgment and act reasonably on the basis of the facts, back them, even though the results are not entirely satisfactory. The collaborators fear to take risks when they think that if they fail, they will be punished.

Rather than a rebuke, it is more effective to say:

"Andrew, get me the feeling that this has not come out too well." "Let's see if we can identify what we did wrong and how we can avoid it next time".

Partners learn from their mistakes when we helped them and then there are few chances of repeated them.

Offer frequent and positive feedback

Offer frequent and positive feedback is one of the most important roads to develop others. The majority of people receive very little feedback, whether good or bad, their heads even though we know that we all (including bosses) to work harder when they are encouraged to do so. Social, as for example, supplements or thanks rewards, are powerful incentives, though it may seem strange. The majority of contributors are not accustomed to receiving praise, so our approval can be especially rewarding.

Reinforced behaviours increase, but we need to know what must strengthen. Stay in direct contact with its partners, so you know when are doing things correctly. If you are not sure of what they are doing, ask them to him abreast of its work.Emotional Intelligence for Business 

As suggestion

A good suggestion is to develop a plan to communicate regularly to partners that are doing well. Congratulate them in writing, face to face or using electronic means. Recognition of his work in front of co-workers at staff meetings. Now this is the is a first step.
Emotional Intelligence for Business