The purchase is the result of an emotion: if it is positive, the customer buys; "otherwise you do not". This is the basis of emotional marketing.

Emotions in buying  products and services

"The purchase is the result of an emotion: if it is positive, the customer buys;" "otherwise you do not". This is the basis of emotional marketing.

On the basis of this we can deepen in a multitude of concepts and actions which can directly influence on Marketing strategies, because the emotional factor can emerge or be designed to raise a series of feelings in the audience.

In the periods and times of crisis or when people are more stressed the emotional marketing begins to take greater role and relevance within these strategies. Why brands have the mission to convey joy, positive sensations and accompany the consumer with the objective that they associate their products with pleasure and satisfaction.

Emotions are those feelings produced by the subconscious (hence the ability of each to control them) tell us the level of favorability before a stimulus or situation.

The emotional Marketing is responsible for developing the attitudes of the company find and evolve an affective link lasting with customers so they feel the brand as something own, and need to contribute to their growth and survival.
Today, brands do not sell attributes, sell emotions. The products call our hearts, not in our minds. This evolution is understood in the following schematic way:
I have product, to whom is it sell?-transactional Marketing.
I have client, how and what sell you?-Marketing Marketing Relacional.
I have client, how can I help you? -Emotional Marketing.
To get the focus of a company toward this kind of marketing I recommend the following steps:
Identify needs and wishes of the consumer.
Establish a clear relationship between the interests of the consumer and the intangible attributes of the product.
Set up a communication strategy which positioned the product under such emotional concepts.
Differences between the tangible and intangible attributes of the product do not arise.

Emotions in buying
If we have clear that from now on, advertising that let our product and services that we offer, we must arouse the feelings of consumers, the next step is analyzing how can touch that sensitive fiber and reach the emotions. This admittedly uana basic impulses purchase:

Security: Guarantee of repayment of the money if I am not satisfied, effectiveness tested in the achievement of objectives, hygienic and physical security.

Affection: Possibility of establishing relations personal with other customers, good vibrations with the club staff, feel heard and understood.

Wellbeing: Both at the general level (health, energy, happiness), and level of use of the service (comfort and ease of use, speed, simplicity).

Pride: Prestige of the brand, status, membership to a select group.

New: Avant-garde design, late-model, high-tech, service or new product that no one else has yet.

Economy: Price, profitability, payback.

There are many campaigns that integrate these marketing ingredients to use emotions for business. In this address can highlight strategies of many banks that offer discounts on multiple activities such as concerts.

So if you want to see their favorite musicians and has credit and debit cards, it is best to review what plastics available and see if your bank is offering you some kind of discount on the value of the entry that the promos that are existing reach up to 20% lower the price of the same offeringIn addition, the possibility to cancel the balance in instalments.

For banks, this strategy allows them to entice and retain their customers. Discounts for consumers, meanwhile, are seen as an opportunity and are perceived as an "added value", that is accessed by the fact "belong" to a certain group of beneficiaries.

Emotions in buying

The "formula" is somehow based on the promos that various shopping malls launched constantly. For this reason, banks again to repeat, over and over again with different artists, for which close alliances with prestigious producers of shows.

Thus, banks rely on "emotional marketing" to attract customers, because they know that, ultimately, everyone wants to "Save" a few dollars and attend activities of your choice in a manner more frequent.

To do so, they must generate an "emotional Pact" with consumers and achieve "affinity" with certain groups of clients or cards (depending on the segment to which the company you approach). Achieving these goals is, "bring them to favorite singers and their idols".

According to the specialist in the field of emotional marketing, explains how "promotions that they point directly to try to achieve or retain customers from fanaticism." "With these banks seek to show an affinity with them and feel 'in tune' with a given entity".

Accordingly, it is necessary that the entity with a trade policy for the purposes of realizing the various proposals of the signature that you want to reach consumers. "There is a mixture between the marketing and commercial". "These actions are always those two bases"

This way the marketing and advertising can create new needs in the public with messages on the qualities of products, transforming the fundamental needs suggestively seductive. On the other hand, advertising is so powerful it can also to buy items to then be not used. Therefore we must ask ourselves whether you are complying with necessary psychological functions, such as the illusion, added value, safety, satisfaction, etc.Emotions in buying

Ultimately, to emotional speech we give it an enormous capacity to generate satisfaction, both in the material and in the deep level of individuals, through products that feed the dreams so soothing the frustrations of the inborn desires unfulfilled. In this sense, the role of marketing is to offer products that satisfy these wishes virtually through emotional messages promising goals that go beyond the functions of products.