New horizons in Business  Intelligence                                                                     traffic news duiih

 New horizons in Business  Intelligence

 As it progresses the complexity of information systems becomes essential information in real time to make sound business decisions.

That is why the business intelligence, has among its objectives the generation of
management-strategy and historical information, as well as its deployment and diffusion among users. BI applications generate information of value in transactional systems is difficult or impossible to obtain or view. However, are "war stories" that narrate frustrating results of traditional BI, because many implementations take months or years and high amounts of investment, in addition to not synchronize with the needs of the business, its changes and an increasing demand for information by decision makers.

With these data, users are able to perform analyses that produce the general understanding that the business has been, where is now and where it will be in the near future. Business intelligence is used for two main purposes. I follow up financial and operational health of the Organization (reports, alerts, alarms, tools of analysis, key indicators of performance and scorecards). It also regulates the functioning of the organization that provides two-way integration with operating systems and analysis of feedback of information.

New horizons in Business
The new challenges of the concept in its application are aimed towards new horizons where the following directives must take intoaccount.

Change the  BI projects of BI culture

They say that practice makes perfect, and is precisely what is happening in organizations with several years of experience in BI projects, gain in knowledge and each new implementation apply best practices and lessons learned from previous projects, this allows to improve the quality of development and the final solution. While most people in the Organization are involved with the development of the projects more value acquires the final solution to that organization.

Customized solutions:

Large and long-range projects are necessary, but if it's first projects what should be is the problem with bounded solutions and tailored to the needs of information. For this I believe that tailor-made solutions driven above the solutions by item or generic solutions.


For example, if 2 telecommunications companies buy the same project BI for telecommunications companies does not mean that they will get the same benefits or that they will have the same ROI; the outcome depends on the alignment to the strategic objectives of the company and the information ecosystem. Why tailor-made solutions are worth more as first BI initiative in an organization and this will be what Sue customers.

Self Service BI

Generation of reports and analytical users expectations have changed. Increasingly more end-users create and modify their own data, and the dashboards and mashboards abound. Currently, business users (including executives) expect do more themselves and to a lesser extent dependent on business analysts, that, in turn, they have specialized, focusing on identifying trends and opportunities proactively rather than reporting to request.

 New horizons in Business
The analysis has also evolved. There are now sophisticated tools of visualization of data that provide an immediate perception. With the "consumerism" of the access to information and interactivity, better methods have been developed so that users can combine and share data and interact with them. Now, users can customize their dashboards to adapt them to their needs, and can also combine external data with internal corporate data.

Change in the paradigm of maintenance of BI environments:

By the side of research and development apart from the display of data and performance (performance) that are major points and which makes it attractive to a suite of BI, the administration of the platform will offer significant advances in the coming years. The task is and will be in the coming years to reduce the complexity of the process of maintenance of BI platforms.


The result will be to reduce the time devoted to maintenance, make the process simpler, for example offering recommendations and alternatives to the configuration, reduce the risks of errors in the process by manual intervention (this also because the TCO disminuinuye that does not require much in these tasks and less time expertiz). Also a point to improve the solutions on  premise that with type SaaS solutions, generally speaking, not us worry too much for the maintenance of the environment, not so with solutions installed on our servers. The competition who offers a better platform with good performance and without complex process of maintenance is an issue for the coming years.

Big Data

According to a study by Gartner, the volume of data generated only in 2009 was higher than at least 5,000 years together. In the next five years, data from the companies will grow an additional 650%. The generic term coined in 2008, Big Data, refers to technologies that enable organizations to perform analysis and obtain a picture quickly detailed from massive data sets, whose scale was unimaginable just a few years ago. The less expensive "generic" hardware is also an enabler of these solutions that can analyze and add Petabytes of data.


New technologies for storing and accelerate processing of massive volumes of data are divided into three categories (some providers offer hybrid solutions that incorporate two or more of these approaches): hardware, massive parallel processing database acceleration (MPP Massively Parallel Processing) and Map-Reduce, Hadoop and other NoSQL approaches.

Collaborative and social benefits

Many users of BI have used for years social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and have grown accustomed to a "social" functionality in all applications. And for good reason: users expect applications - including the BI - that help them to work more effectively with others, to improve their understanding of the content and make better informed decisions. Employees and customers, who use the same functionality of social networks who enjoy outside of work, are able to reach new levels of creativity.

Detailed real-time data

One of the biggest challenges for the BI industry is already known: the need to reduce the time required to carry out and complete consultations and analysis tasks. Nowadays, with the explosion of data and compression of business cycles, this need is even more critical.


Not all of it and software development organizations can act on all these trends. However, to evolve the business intelligence strategies and decisions of BI projects, knowledge of these trends can help companies to obtain the maximum benefit from their investment in BI.


This theme gives to a post separately, but can advance procurement will point on the side of analytical (decision in-line engines) and visualization of information and secondly improve the performance. The companies will be strengthened to offer increasingly simple to use analytical solutions. They will continue to partnerships between vendors to deliver joint solutions.
New horizons in Business


Let us hope that organizations generate value from their data and have the ability to exploit information systems available. In it will be a year, I hope, with much original content and dissemination of issues related to information systems.