communities for developers 
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 New platforms for Developers

CONNECTION between the developers of PLANTRONICS for promote applications computer based in the context. 

In today's world, there are millions of connected devices that communicate an important amount of data about the place in which is located a person, its activities and its availability. Plantronics (NYSE:PLT) provides an excellent opportunity for information as the place in which a person is and what he is doing, through the launch of a wide community of developers can be used. Developers can now create applications 'based on the context' that will allow anticipate or react to offer better experiences to users through the information they generate intelligent Plantronics devices with Smart Sensor ™ technology. In this way, developers can access the tools they need to create applications of contextual intelligence through the connection to developers of Plantronics (PDC).

Thanks to the access to information of the designers of Plantronics devices, developers can add to their applications already existing data as the presence, availability, proximity, and other information of the user of the device or can create new segments of intelligent applications. The incorporation of this information will allow experiences more intelligent and intuitive in the relationship between people and devices.

The CDP includes technical resources, forums and implementation of programmes (API) interfaces thanks to a new software kit for developers (SDK) for the Windows ® environment. The PDC is also a community where developers can contact the Plantronics technical and receive information about the possibilities of software that allow Plantronics devices.

«Technology is making our work more productive and our funniest private life.» "The next wave of productivity will be headed by the context-based applications that accelerate business processes and workflows," said Joe Burton, Vice President of engineering and development the first and Chief technological Plantronics. «Plantronics has developed intelligent headphones and a few devices that have the ability to gather contextual information and making it available to an easy way to integrate different applications.» «We are opening APIs to this information so that the community of software developers to create innovative applications and tools that enhance the contextual intelligence of Plantronics».

You can access the SDK through the connection of Plantronics developers:

Other very important that every developer should know:

Stack Overflow
When asked about the communities of large developers, the site at the tip of the tongue around the world was stack overflow. This unique repository of knowledge of programming is open and free, and maintained by the community that creates it.

The site envisions as a wiki part, social news aggregator part (in the style of Digg), a part blog and part forum. And its attraction is universal - as the battery team cry: "No matter what programming language you use, or what operating system to call home-." "Better programming is our objective".

GitHub puts hands to the nuts and bolts actual code development and sharing. Users of the network can create repositories of code for projects that we are working (both open source and proprietary) and share them with other users in a highly collaborative environment.

Developers find the site particularly useful for "fork" of code, i.e. taking an existing piece and branching out to new software applications.

Long before the Twitter and Google Wave were even a glimmer in the eyes of its developers, communication in real time and the collaboration is done through Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Some of the first communities online programmer formed around popular IRC channels, and the environment continues to be widely used.


One of the strongest communities of developers keep IRC is the Freenode network, dedicated to free, open source development projects. Currently, peaks of the community about 60,000 active users ask and answer questions of development on a wide range of issues and platforms. The network is organised around the world in a series of servers whose bandwidth is donated by individuals and organizations committed to the growth of the community, open source development.

To take advantage of the community, Freenode, you need an IRC client such as mIRC, and a bit of information about the network and the many channels available, most of which is located on the Freenode website.

In-Person Events
Web dev communities do not always have to live over the Internet. The good fashion in person networking and discussion forum - may trigger things that cannot be derived from a message in the Forum. There is where sites like Carsonified and A List Apart enter.

In addition to host rich in resources blogs, each site produces events live throughout the year where developers, designers and entrepreneurs can connect face to face. A List Apart events you can find at an event apart.