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 You know what the secret behind a Community Manager

A Community Manager or Social Media Manager is the person in charge of manage, build and moderating communities around a brand on the Internet. This profession is emerging among the companies that discover that online social conversations, are increasingly relevant and that they need a professional who knows about online communication, making use of new channels of communication through social tools.

Sends messages through Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. It may be a headline with a link to the page of the means of communication or a phrase that explains the news.

Update your "State". Facebook and Twitter ask your users what are doing or thinking. The media and journalists can also respond and share the topic in which you are working, the latest published or ask the readers. It also asks questions to find experts on specific issues or to detect trends of opinion.

Do not forget other publications. Experts suggest that it should also recommend the work of others. Sometimes several people collaborate on the creation of a map that you can add information to an important news. A message in one of these networks is sufficient to relate the map with the information published by a means of communication.

 Advertise live interviews. "Social media editor" can announce that a journalist is available to ask live or launching a survey among Internet users.

It broadcasts events. Thanks to mobile phones, many reporters can share information - from short texts to photos or video - with the same audience that it would with your friends online. The Brazilian newspaper O Globo teaches its journalists to send content to the drawing using the same tools that have been created for citizen journalists.


It publishes breaking news. It is faster to publish a short text with last-minute information on pages of Twitter or Facebook that in a medium of communication. Although it is only for technical issues. We know that the audience is also on the internet and networks make us faster the path up to the readers.


Invites users to share what they have learned. Social networks Twitter and Facebook, especially the latter, have applications that allow any user to share a link to a page or a conversation that you have maintained in a group. Each time a user "share" content within Facebook, friends receive a notification or "news" when connected to the network, by which news readers are multiplied beyond the means of communication.

Trainig Social Media Manager
Use statistics of services like Facebook to know how many participants in groups, leave comments and provide content. There are who advocates reward readers who most contribute to the publication with your comments, visit several times the page or the time they spend on each visit. The loyalty of readers can be as important as visitor traffic to the publication to create a community with the audience.

Effective managers of the community are not only experts of the company or product they represent, but also are passionate about it.

As a good Manager, you must be informed of everything that happens in the world, and especially in the fields of interest of the company or organization whose image you manage. In addition, they should know what he is saying in the different networks on a theme, certain character or entity. To perform this function, there are some tools in the web like Socialmention.


socialmention is a very easy to use web tool and thanks to which you will know, instantly, that is being said on blogs, microblogs and other social networks on a particular subject. Once your search is complete, socialmention offers data such as:

Feeling of entries: positive, negative or neutral.
Key words used to talk about that topic.
Used Hashtags.
Total and average number of mentions.
In addition, socialmention shows links to all entries on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and many more places.

For managing multiple networks is very useful in centralizing IFttt tasks.


"If this, then that" is the full name of this fantastic web application whose mission is to connect different applications or web tools. How does it work? The user must connect one action with another, so that interference will occur automatically. For example: "if I write on Facebook, which is published to Foursquare" or "if I do a picture with Instagram, automatically save it to DropBox". In this way, and thanks to iftt, you can automate actions and increase your productivity in an original and different way.

uberVU: known as the "platform of social media helps your team collaborate to listen, inform and participate in social networks." The team has been working hard on the next version, which has two main objectives: (1) make it easier for customers to obtain results from key use cases, how to find the key right people to relate to social media and marketing in social networks, (2) make the service is more business small and friendly so it is much more easy to use and focuses on the solution of some key problems that small businesses are trying to solve. As the uberVU Dragos informed me, community managers are definitely going to want to because uberVU "has simplified the service until such point that most people can understand and get value out of minutes."

It is important to note that the community manager should be elegant and resistant, like a turtle. When we represent companies online we hope a small percentage of people who complain, give an unfair opinion, discounts on demand or any other number of possibly unpleasant interactions. The Community Manager should not matter. Customer satisfaction is the first thing. If the client is right or wrong, we must respond with kindness, quickly resolve issues and move forward to help other customers.

According to Grant Crowell, SMO expert there are multiple people in social media behaviors. For example on Facebook we do well if we attention to the following aspects:

Thursday is the best day of the week to get our post to acquire greater visibility on Facebook.

The posts that interest you have to promote, get them first thing in the morning. If you post between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., you run the risk of your content to decay in the section "Holders" or "Latest news" your fans for the benefit of friends or other type of traffic updates.

When you share links, includes the "complete link" on Facebook. I.e. you never attach a shortened link, Facebook penalty. Therefore, estimated it is 300% more likely to people to click on the shortened link.

Do you know what is the secret behind the "owners" of your fans home page section? Why are some posts in demerit of others? The response is based on an algorithm called Edge Rank. Uses words like "today" or "for a limited time" to promote the Edge Rank of your publications.

Want to know what are the words that encourage more content to share on Facebook? Uses expressions such as "the best" or "most" and those that serve to explain something. Why and how will always succeed.

Rules of participation in networks

As of 2006 according to Jakob Nielsen discusses the use of multiple sites of social media in the broadest sense. And it concludes with the formulation of a rule of thumb for such sites. It is the 90-9-1 rule.
In short, the rule says:

90% of the users are inactive or hide
9% contribute once or occasionally
While 1% power users are the main source of user-generated content.

Although participation will always be somewhat uneven, there are ways to improve equal, including:

Make it easier to contribute. The lower overhead, more people are going to jump through the hoop. For example, Netflix allows users with charges of films by clicking on a number of stars, which is much easier to write a critique of natural language.


Make a side effect participation. Better still, they help users participate with zero effort to make their contributions a side effect of some other thing they are doing. For example, Amazon "people who bought this book, bought these other books of" recommendations are a side effect of the people who buy books. You don't have to do anything special to make your books entered into the system preferences. It will Hill coined the term read wear this type of effect: the simple activity of reading (or using) something is going to "take" down and therefore leave their marks - the cookbook automatically open to the recipe is prepared to the fullest.


Edit, not created. It allows users to create their contributions to modify existing templates rather than creating complete entities from scratch. Editing a template is more attractive and has a learning curve soft faced the horror of a blank page. Based systems?in avatars like Second Life, for example, most users modify issuing standards avatars rather than creating their own.


Reward (but not on reward) participants. rewarding people for their contribution will help motivate users who have life outside the Internet, and in this way broaden its base of participants. Although money is always good, you can also give preferential treatment contributors (for example, discounts or in advance of the new), or even just have to put stars on their profiles. But don't give too much information to the most active participants, or you simply encourage them to master the system even more.

 Trainig Social Media Manager
 Promote quality contributors. If you show all contributions equally, people who use these services only when they have something important to say will be drowned by the torrent of material of the hyperactivity of 1%. Instead, give additional relevance to good contributions and contributions from people who have proved their worth, as indicated by its reputation ranking.