Japanese scientists have found evidence that people seem to work best when someone congratulates them. Tests show that a person behaves better when they receive a reward social

 Because people are more productive when they receive a compliment

 One of the interests of every entrepreneur given the economic conditions, today, is to do more productive your team without this implying disburse money. There is a strategy that can be used to achieve this and is very simple: use the greeting or recognition. Investigations indicate that the behaviors that are reinforced tend to repeat themselves and this premise is something that you can use to release a personal and business level talent.

Japanese scientists have found evidence that people seem to work best when someone compliment them. The team had previously discovered the same area of the brain, the striatum, is activated when a person is rewarded a compliment or cash. His latest research would suggest that when the striatum is activated, it seems to encourage the person to best results during the exercises.

According to specialists, "for the brain, receive a compliment is a social reward as the reward of money. We have been able to find evidence that a person behave better when they receive a social reward after completing an exercise.There it seems that scientific validity behind "praise to promote the improvement" of the message. congratulate someone can become an easy and effective strategy to use in the classroom and during the rehabilitation. 

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Consequences of the lack of motivation lack of motivation causes frustration, apathy labor, lack of adequate performance, lack of initiative and ideas, as a desire to change business. Instead, through verbal awards or also, of a salary increase, a worker becomes aware that is part of a team project.

An environment in which there's more negative reviews than positive reinforcement is inappropriate to work fully. But nor is it good to be in an environment where the congratulations given away easily and the talent is exalted in a disproportionate way.

Is always suitable balance to be able to interact with the computer in based on the current situation. In case of making a negative criticism, never you must humiliate the person, ridicule him, hurt their self-esteem. Otherwise, do you understand that she, expected more than simply because it has a large capacity. Rather than enhance the guilt, it raises the objectives as a challenge to achieve.

Learn how to compliment others
We must think positively, we must be aware that everyone likes to acknowledge us effort and not that criticize us only what we don't do well. We must try to see beyond the results, and also assess attitudes. There are many things that we can recognize: the camaraderie, the collaboration, the risk-taking, decision-making, the self-sufficiency, initiative.

Congratulations are positive, but must be justified and not become routine. The first time one receives a recognition takes effect, but if this is done routinely lose value. It is important to congratulate everytime you want to reinforce a behavior, but then it should be done irregularly.

In that moment should congratulate: immediately know the achievement of a companion, should make the recognition, and if it is large-scale, plan the time and appropriate mode. 

The opportunity: make the recognition time, prevents that effort is forgotten and the worker to discourage it.

Keep in mind: there is to be attentive to the Awards at the right time... More is worth a small recognition in time than large exaltation at the wrong time...

Ideas to elevate the performance payments when I sent payments to its staff, write a note in the envelope by thanking the achievements of each employee.

Mention relatives Collins & Aikaman, Daton mats manufacturers. Management recognizes and mentioned the achievements of the children of their employees in the company newsletter.

I invite you to lunch set the custom to invite to lunch to their employees. Reward as well, from time to time, two of them have done something special, for example, go to work on day of rest or Ségur working during a recess.

Coupons for lunch ask for authorization, to keep his power lunch coupons. So you can distribute them where appropriate.

Boulder Cia, gives noon free paid to the employee who recommends that you hire a person who then successfully passes a trial period of ninety days.

Hear what more stimulant that can make a person by another is... listen to it.

Did you know: McDonalds encourages its dealers to perform quarterly communication sessions. Usually the owner of the establishment sits down with a representative group of employees to listen to their suggestions and complaints. "Things like change of" place a computer or modifying a procedure are made all the time, at the suggestion of the workers".

Happy birthday to you when its employees comply with years, sending them greeting cards.Then the company President to sign them.

Wise you have to: the company Apple computer, recorded in the interior of the product recorded all the signatures of the employees who worked on the first computer Macintosh free time if the kind of work permits.A worker a task and a deadline to implement it. Specify the level of quality you expect. If they end up before the deadline, the time that is left inside them is their reward.

We should finally not to forget that it is also It is important to congratulate clients as an isentivo of loyalty. For this purpose we can use an an interesting web site, specializing in the selection of various gifts. Social Gift is a platform that has become a very attractive alternative for companies that wish to congratulate its clients with a gift, since nowadays is not enough with a message on his birthday.

The process that you must follow to carry out all this is very easy, first you have to invite your friends either through facebook or by electronic email, subsequently this will receive a direct request message to assist in the selection, then track the progress of your gift of group using the page and finally the gift is sent automatically once the total cost rises.

That's why Social Gift has become a web site in which everyone wants to participate in the selection of gifts.
science daily Learn how to compliment others