The positive loyalty in a business is to differentiate the real needs of potential clients unrealistic

Better results in the Loyalty

It is always necessary to ensure the customer base, main Fund trade, but in times of crisis is critical to ascertain and ensure financial forecasts and to deal with the development. It is more profitable to retain a client get new. It is true that, get a new customer is 6 times more expensive than retaining one old. To achieve that the customer stays with us it is necessary to work to ensure that it is satisfied, optimizing customer service the big problem is that the needs and tastes of the users are far from what brands and companies offer such loyalty programs may were a good idea at the time. Without However, over time, have banalised into maneuvers purely defensive strategic nonsense.

Concept of fidelity have not conceptualized properly fidelity was born to believe that it is something that you can buy, falling into ill-advised and ill-fated identification of recurrence equals loyalty, which has led to efforts to focus on encouraging the customer to repeat. So has released a plethora of loyalty programs seeking from of discount coupons to points, passing through the multi sponsors or special terms of purchase or the accumulation of miles, just a few examples, bind the customer through tangible benefits. It ignores, and up to certain disinterest, the reward received repeat customer is measurable and therefore comparable, so it is a repetition with expiration date.

 Targeting the right customer segment. The first thing to be taken into account is who is going to lead the campaign. You must subscribe to two groups: the "potentially loyal" and call that "loyal liabilities".  For example, if we have a designer clothes store, the potentially loyal are those who like the brand, but it gives them the same buy in any store; "loyal liabilities" like mark and you buy in our store, but do not participate in the campaign, i.e., they do not enjoy no benefit or incentive for purchasing us us. To the "potentially loyal" we must give them benefits so they prefer to buy in our shop and "loyal liabilities" also, rather than another "catch them" first. A points program must achieve both groups become "loyal assets": that buy us the product and prefer our store over any other.

 The positive loyalty
Authenticity and coherence in a business is to differentiate the real needs of the unreal of potential customers, and the main thing, your real potential, what really can give and the need to improve to achieve extraordinary service, which is the highest value to be competitive and to make customers love your products. Positive self-esteem allows us to do an inventory of our talents, and they serve better.

The program must be cost-effective for the Organization since the number one goal of this is to generate greater profitability to the company through the repetition of the customer's purchase. The costs of the actions must be defined, calculated and thoughtful and should be part of the company's Marketing budget.

The loyalty programs are planned and implemented generally thinking the best customers. 20% Of our customers generate US 80% of the turnover, this is the target that we should point out with the new Plan initially to go then attacking each of our Base data customer segments. It is to our best customers that we must become "ambassadors", in true 'Apostles' of our company and is through them that we must reach new potential customers with their characteristics. The implementation of a strategy of CRM prior to the program, through which we can get to know who is who in our client portfolio is vital not only for the success of the Plan, but as an element of business intelligence.

Ultimately, "miles" programs, if they work, usually generate the worst kind of fidelity, loyalty obtained through discounts and not through differentiation. Ultimately, only it's a covert way competition via price that attracts customers from lower profitability for the company.

Finally there is a concept in strategies of customer loyalty that day acquires a remarkable preponderance. It is that refers to the identification and maximum utilization of all points of customer contacts with the brand. The scenarios are in which develops the knowledge, dialogue between brand and customer and that manifest themselves radically satisfaction or rejection towards the brand. Know those contact points and to develop strategies of maximum quality to everything in them is mark guidelines the success or the failure of any model of management in customer loyalty. All of these concepts make a path to the customer loyalty that knowing your consumer, interact in it by the appropriate channel and at the right time, applying the stimulus focused on impulse or attraction will generate not only a positive brand experience, but a compromise between hard to beat with offers or promotions highly attractive brand but ending in a frustrated and relationship unsatisfactory for a consumer that increasingly more you are looking for a relationship of trust.  The positive loyalty