Be aware that your client or your potential customer will not have a single experience with your product or service.

 Improve the user experience

Many organizations are discovering that a great user experience that can provide a powerful competitive advantage. A great product or the user experience increases service revenues, reduces costs, and build long-term customer loyalty.

For these organizations, it is the first time that they have done one a priority to improve the experience of the user of your designs. Do this for the first time can be tricky. It's techniques, processes, and cultural changes in the organization.

Although it is only a reference to take into account, I think all agree that there is a large space to improve customer experience on our web site, business or Organization. 

How can we do it?

We see 10 lines of action to achieve this must immediately communicate the purpose of the site to our customers.

The first moments of stay on a site are key. Most of the visits do not pass from the login page, so it is crucial to communicate very clearly what is the purpose of the web.

Some tips: expose on the cover clearly the range of products that are offered on the site. It is recommended to accompany the product catalogs in front with some descriptive phrase.

The client must be informed constantly about its location.
The user is faced with decisions that they will conclude in a possible purchase by What is essential to create a sense of security that allows customer forget the navigation and focus on the information provided.

There are several ways to achieve that feeling of comfort:

1. always present company logos.
2. Clear page titles.
3. Use some of the different types of "traces of crumbs" (also called "breadcrumbs") or paths... This type of techniques require proper application and operation.

 We must study, understand and, above all, listen to our users. Only from this knowledge, it is possible to design and implement a strategy of developing products and services based on user experience.

It must be provided and optimize access to users.

Normally there are two basic types of users: novices and experts, and the needs of ones and others may differ. The tendency is to focus on the novel and complicated navigation expert. Our advice is that we look for a balance so that, without hinder novel navigation, advanced user find shortcuts that will improve your user experience.

On closed areas or restricted access, it is something that depends solely on the business strategy of each company. But we recommend to make more flexible access to the content. Restrict access to the information is not beneficial, especially if there is a real value for the customer registered.

Investigate new patterns of behavior.

 The evolution of the market obliges us to be alert to the emergence of new possibilities of interaction with our system, not initially contemplated. For this reason it is important to establish a process to analyze and measure all the patterns of use and possible behaviors, and detect those new which, not having been considered at first, may be applied to our product.

 The user should receive help when you need it.

In theory, a site well fact should not require instructions for help. In practice, they are essential. So our aid does not become another obstacle more, we must bear in mind two things: subsidies be concise and direct. And that they are contextualized. I.e., that subsidies are located in the place in which the user will need: a support text, example, etc.

In all studies with users made at dnx, telephone support has emerged as an element of security necessary to face the uncertainty produced by the process of buying online. Therefore, we must offer the customer the feeling that we are on the other side to resolve any doubts you raised him.

The brain processes better information when there is a history.

 Collect feedback from all possible sources involved in our system.

 We not only have to think about the user as our only source of valid information. Our ecosystem can be influenced by other major players, such as suppliers or companies that develop products or services that interact with ours, whose feedback is so valuable as he can receive with our users create user and a committed relationship where they feel committed to our site and conversely.

Communicate possible actions 

As physical objects in the real world, the digital objects on a computer screen provide some clues as to how we can interact with them. Buttons it seems that they can be pushed, handles seem to be extracted and the links seem to be that you can click. These tracks are called 'affordances' and are one of the most important considerations of usability. Objects that seem to behave in a certain way or perform a specific function when it is not said that the communication of a false' affordance'.

Take a critical look at its web site, taking into account that probably look every day without thinking. You can understand how to interact with things on the basis of their appearance? The things you can do click seem to click? Make sure that the buttons and links stand out from its surrounding content. Use the shape, colour and consistent texture to provide tracks. There is something that looks clickable when it is not? Remove false frustrating affordances that lead users in cul-de-sacs.

The customer experience is not only with your product or service, goes much further than is necessary to be aware that your client or your potential client will not experience only with your product or service.

You will also need an experience with your employees, Call Center (or Care Center), either of the team that performs operations or Delivery.  You will have an experience with your site or your purchase Portal.  You will have an experience with social networks and your company's reputation. You will have an experience when it comes into your store and hear the music, smell the environment or have cold or heat.

All this influences the purchase criteria. All this influences whether the client will return to buy or not.

 Ideas to improve the user experience