Best countries for Investors in 2012                                                                    traffic news

     Best countries for Investors in 2012

Investment there are two possible scenarios: one is the brake, the recessive; the other is the Government encouraging consumption. "Between the two, we bet on the second". Thus, a top executive of a manufacturer of household appliances summarized projections that deck industry by 2012. And resume, with nuances, the feeling that dominates the world of business: cautious optimism and uncertainty.

The doubts come from inside and outside: the experts do not yet have clear how will impact the global crisis and the problems of the domestic economy. One of the keys is the funding for consumption, one of the engines of the economy in 2011.

The United States will continue to be the best option for the majority of investors and real estate for the 2012(reuter according to source), but the country has lost ground against Brazil, which is the second this year, according to a recent analysis.

United States offers the option to more stable and secure real commercial real estate, investors said that improvements in the growth of income and occupation with the repeal of a tax to existing foreign investment since 1980, would have a strong impact on their decisions, according to the annual survey to members of the Association of foreign investors in real estate.

During much of last year, investors in the United States focused on large cities like New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles, increasing prices and lowering the yields.

Meanwhile, commercial properties in Brazil, with its bursting with economy and a more secure environment for investment, has become an intense focus for global investors.

Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, became the fourth best for dollars of investment in real estate in 2012, rising from number 26 since last year.
Best countries for Investors in 2012 

Brazil is a fast developing economy and of safe conditions for financial investments, which ranked Sao Paulo in the fourth place of the list of the best cities for investment dollars in 2012. And that, despite the fact that last year ranked 26th. New York continues to lead the ranking, followed by London, Washington, Sao Paulo and San Francisco, respectively.

The independence process of Brazil of Western economies, such as United States or European countries, contributed to the largest nation in Latin America was located as the sixth largest economy globally, say some experts. Brazil replaces United Kingdom in this place, according to the Centre for economic studies and business, CEBR (Centre for Economic and Business Research,)

U.S., China, Japan, Germany and France occupy the first five positions in the list. The largest country in Latin America is becoming one of the engines of the global economy, due to the huge reserves of natural resources, rapid growth and a strong middle class. While I United Kingdom, "Sinks into the clutches of the national debt crisis and the lack of bank loans", indicate the experts.

In addition the stable political situation in Brazil also attracts investors.

According to the prognosis of the CEBR, 2020 United Kingdom will fall even lower 'ranking' largest economies: Russia and India leave you behind.Best countries for Investors in 2012 

The proportion of world GDP in other European countries, such as Germany and France, also will be reduced and in nine years, located in the seventh and eighth place respectively.

The United States are still very desirable and United Kingdom in the attraction of foreign investments and real estate in 2011, according to preliminary figures from Real Capital Analytics.

"The negative is that he promises not to much appreciation of capital because the primary markets are already fully valued," said Executive director of AFIRE.

The economic problems of Europe expelled almost all countries of the region on the map of preferred investment, with the exception of a couple such as Switzerland and Poland. Germany, for example, lost 50% approval among respondents in the poll. On the other hand, developing countries such as China, Turkey or Colombia get increasingly more support.
Best countries for Investors in 2012