Better Market their Content                                                                traffic news

       Better Market their Content

 As says the old proverb, "If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one to hear it, does noise?" Be sure that the same will happen with your new product. Here is where the content of a solid marketing plan comes to the rescue.

Clear for power marketing of content and "align" to our client but must first have to speak and this content we're getting ready to generate is of quality and relevant for our customers, because we not only have to give the information, but you have to attract him and keep him.

The great advantage of the content marketing or marketing of content is that you create a better and more close communication with your customers and if we add that your website went better in the search engines. It is for this that you must integrate this tactic in all your communication strategies.

Determine objectives clearly

Ask yourself: what is my goal, and how my content marketing plan will help me accomplish this? These are things that need to be considered before determining its content. In this way, you can adapt your content marketing plan accordingly.
Better Market their Content 

Each target must be measurable and has a time limit within which this measurement is performed. For example, web traffic increase 25% by 01 January 2012.

Retain people: What characterized the customers that you are trying to reach? Use the information of persons both in demographics and psychographic. Empatizar with the needs of the customer and think the way to meet them would help retain customers.
Better Market their Content 

Key words: find the best keywords in social media that represent the demand for their products and services. Discover the demand for search terms will help to meet the future demands of search ahead of the competitors.

Content and property: make an inventory of content and digital assets that are currently available for the optimization of keywords and social promotion. Keep track of the performance of the keywords of the content in the search to improve investment using SEM. If it refers to losclientes, you will understand that it is what you need and you can respond to these through the content.

  Editorial plan: Have an editorial calendar for the creation of contents, optimization, promotion and measurement is an advantage in this field. In addition, the understanding of all the elements where people are in the process of buying help you create content for prospects at all stages.

Operacionalizar SEO: responsible for the creation of content for the brand must have glossaries of keywords available, as well as SEO information about how use them. Share lists of key words with the team members and instill them in your messages with these team members can help. It is important that everyone is part of the process.

Plan a timetable for drafting

Develop a plan is one of the most important steps for content marketing. However, it must be flexible. After all, things can always change.
Better Market their Content 

Here is where an editorial calendar comes into play and must include strategies, specific tactics, suggested headlines, deadlines in content and responsibilities assigned. This is a very important task, but you will feel very grateful for your hard work once it is complete  and save you time in the long run.

Establish relationships

It is time to start building a relationship with your target audience. This means to take advantage of existing communities, sharing and commenting on their content, as well as the establishment of their own communities through various social networking platforms.

Remember, content marketing is not only about you. Like all relationships, you should try to give more than it receives. Be sure to use the 80/20 principle: 80% of the content that share must be cured (in other words, not his own) and 20% must be your original content.

Dissemination of the word

Determine keywords related to the industry that are not only relevant for your product, but will also generate enough interest. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can play a very important role in the Research Fund. For example, make sure that labels that will add to your blog will generate traffic, because this can help get it in the first place.

In addition, spread the word through Twitter, Facebook, e-newsletters, etc, but be careful of not forcing their content, where it does not belong. It may seem that you are trying too hard to, and, in turn, people may not be interested in what you have to say.

In addition, it is useful to decide what platforms you should use and how to use effectively.

To assess the effectiveness

Although this is one of the last steps, it is one of the most important. By measuring the effectiveness of your content, we can determine if your plan has to be altered, or if it is working in the first place.

Keep an eye on page views, retweets, tastes, + 1, actions, etc. Everything that the public can make a decision about something, need to pay attention. Discover what that is working - or why not work at all.

Tools for the trade of its content

Today is imposing as the leading solution in the market, which while it does not have the fame of osCommerce is gaining every day more followers. The load speed, versatility, and beauty of his designs are making him win followers in the market, as well as a good integration with different software business such as Microsoft Dynamics SAP, Sage, etc. which makes him give a jump on their competitors and a prized solution for companies that require integration with software solutions from trade online and traditional sales.

Zen Cart
It's another interesting option to rival since osCommerce which presents a complete solution to launch our online business shop. Flexible, powerful and with a good community support behind will allow us to create our store online and be able to manage it adequately for our business and with maximum satisfaction to our customers. Allows control of stock of shipments, different means of payment or in another order of things design page with different templates that are adapted to our needs. No doubt a good content manager to implement our online store, or our catalog in a simple and manageable.
Finally we will comment on this solution, which is not a CMS estricatamente and allows us to add a shopping cart online for purchases on our web site. It facilitates the code so that we insert into our Web site and in this way we will be able to deliver easily our online store. The good part is that it does not require installing anything, just go by copying and pasting code to enable it to function smoothly with this simple solution. This turn is one of its limitations, because when it comes to control, manage, and administer the shop online will not serve for a large number of products. It is a simple and effective alternative if we do not want to have an actual content manager.
Better Market their Content