Handling and application of emotional intelligence in business In recent years, various analyzes have demonstrated the power and relevance to the management of emotions

 Handling and application of emotional intelligence in business


 Professional development with technical development has traditionally been linked, but there comes a time in which the technique is not enough and is, moreover, necessary to develop the emotional logic to continue and open us to new experiences that enable us to continue to grow in the business.

In recent years, different analyses have shown the power and relevance of the management of emotions in the effectiveness of the business, and the conclusion is clear: the emotional intelligence of the members of an organization correlates positively with their well-being and job performance, as well as negatively in the labour dispute. In addition, those emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs get improved performance on their computers and get more adequate and optimal solutions. 

Evaluation of the intelligence E.

One way to useful and commonly used to measure the characteristics of the employees (of type psychosocial) is to ask themselves about this feature. Thus, self-report questionnaires are the most used tools for the study of the health of workers. I.e. If you want to know how capable is the Chief of section in understanding the emotions of his subordinates, there more than asked to appraise himself; Surely everyone knows how emotionally intelligent is on a scale of 0 to 10. Emotionally intelligent business

 Not However, the self-reports have been for many years criticized that, sometimes, it is difficult to assess in some competitions in 2002, Jack Mayer, Peter Salovey and David Caruso developed a different method to measure emotional intelligence. It is an instrument based on the skills, instead of in the self-perceptions. I.e., evaluates the practical skills and competences at the time of: perceive and identify emotions. Skill and precision in identifying emotions properly. More than the perception of own emotion, this ability refers to the accuracy to perceive nuances.

Use the emotions. Ability to make use of the emotional States to facilitate thinking, creativity, etc.

Understand the emotions. Ability to predict the emotions as well as their consequences on oneself and others.

Manage emotions. Ability to use emotions properly and obtain optimal results.

Some erroneous ideas emotional intelligence does not mean simply being sympathetic. At times you can require otherwise, face bluntly someone to let you see an important truth, but annoying, that you've been avoiding.

Emotionally intelligent business
Emotional intelligence does not give free rein to the feelings, taking out everything outside. on the contrary means handle the feelings of such a way of expressing them appropriately and effectively, allowing people to work without friction in search of a common goal.

An analysis of emotional intelligence, found that women on average have greater awareness of their emotions, they show more empathy, and are more suitable for interpersonal relationships. Men are more optimistic and if insurance themselves, adapt with more ease and better manage stress.

Depending on the total emotional intelligence, there is no difference between the sexes.

Finally are genes that determine our level of emotional intelligence, not only develops in childhood. Unlike the IQ that changes after the
adolescence a little, emotional intelligence, seems to be learned much and continues to develop as we go through life and we learn from our experiences: our fitness, in this sense can continue to grow.

People improves that ability, to acquire skills to manage their own emotions, impulses, it motivates and refines his empathic ability and social, this growth in emotional intelligence is designated maturity.

The emotional trust is one of the main features of emotional fitness, which is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It consists of authenticity, resistance, renewal and constructive dissatisfaction. These qualities they enrich our personal faculties and our character, as well as the feelings that encourage them and guide. It is with them that each one of us forging his true destiny in life and at work: for a good professional or leader, there are few things that are more important than confidence.

Confidence, which often becomes victim of our own lack of willingness or ability to accept the feelings, has become the main factor of competitiveness, not only for companies but also for countries.

The trust is more than a good opinion or attitude. It is a force of emotions that can be mobilized. It is something on which we must base our feelings and actions. When we have confidence in ourselves, we place it in others, and in return won yours. Then that feeling becomes the binder which founded such relations. It also opens the way for a dialogue. On the other hand, the lack of confidence makes us lose much time and effort to safeguard, inspect, doubt, verify and measure things, instead of dedicating ourselves to the work that is creative and cooperative and generate added value.

The confidence that they instill and which then enjoyed by the people, equipment, or organizations, is built on the honest and appropriate way in which they manifest themselves, as well as the likelihood of these manifestations and credibility It infused. It is proven that the business confidence depends above all on the emotional contact between people. Without it, innovation is shy and disappeared, leaders have to deal with many details to prepare any procedure, even a simple transaction.

Unless we do something so that confidence is more profound and extends, covering our relations and organizations, we are left alone, without a real community. That could inhibit the workers to pursue economic opportunities. The economic cost of this phenomenon is the loss of social capital or radius of trust which, in this context, refers to the conditions that allow some people rely on others and work together in groups or organizations, sharing the same purpose.

Other important qualities Perceptiveness: help the team understand themselves. The emotionally intelligent business is retail, identifying feelings and expectations of others, putting in place, understanding them and seeing things from the point of view of the other. This attribute can call him as empathy and it means understanding what other people feel.

Attitude free of value judgements: bring out the best in others. This attribute is related to accept every individual, valuing what offers in the present and not based on what happened in the past. The emotionally intelligent businessman, can see each person with courtesy and respect, attitude of concern and support.

Audacity: soon resolve conflicts. It is related to the fact of adopting a sincere challenge posture when it is appropriate, without being sarcastic. The leader who is handled with IE, addresses every situation with courage and is calm before the deceit and prevarication, to face who cause them. You persevere in the quest for sincerity and is attentive to the discrepancies, addressing them at the first opportunity.

Zeal: present a model of effective management. This attribute implies addressing conflicts, problems and situations that resolve when they arise. A businessman with IE would take advantage of every moment of the work and it would enjoy; because who presents this attribute likes to offer a model of leadership that can admire and emulate others. Enjoy your ability to influence and persuade others, thus, keep the inner calm that compensates and balances its spontaneous expression. In the same way, to possess this attribute, you can enjoy being people alert to the benefits, to which the specific results produce satisfaction.

Emotional training can mean: to be more sensitive to the feelings of others.

Have more self-control.

Better understand the consequences of our conduct.

Be more competent to evaluate interpersonal situations.

Develop high levels of self-esteem.

Project us towards the social.

Skills to learn how to learn.

Develop skills for conflict resolution.

The management of the business and personal emotions often take decisions or have patterns of conduct that do not respond to logic or personal reason, outbreaks, they are emotional flare-ups; It is what might be called a spontaneous emotional moment, is an outbreak that leads to acting very impulsively, is a species of "losing his head", is "looking without seeing", is what you might call an "emotional assault", is a "assault of the nervous system".

At the moment that
neurobiologically happens is that in an instant the limbic system takes over the brain and does not allow the Neo - Cortex think and choose alternatives.

The "emotional assault" originates from the "amygdala" of the brain and can stimulate intense anger or intense happiness. Many times, once the time of the outbreak is low, you have the feeling of not knowing what happened and above all know why behaved that way.

It is possible to observe a range of intensities in an "emotional assault", i.e. tints, ranging from the mild to very strong.

Neurologically our amygdala (there are two tonsils, one on each side of the brain) (human) is quite large, compared to the closest primates in the evolutionary scale. The amygdala is the specialist in emotional issues, it deals with learning and emotional memory, it depends on the meanings of all the passions.

Then this part of the brain (amygdala) is in the brain of the emotional dynamics, she controls what we do, even as we think, that is, while the Neo - Cortex invites you to make decisions.

At the core of emotional intelligence is the amygdala and their interconnections with the Neo - Cortex.

Emotionally intelligent business

Ultimately on computer and business performance in general, establishes a close relationship between performance and cohesion of the same. Professional competence, creativity, technical knowledge of each a component only can deploy completely when the equipment works in a harmonious climate. The contribution of each Member of the group to the team's success depends decisively of their emotional qualities.