How to optimize online campaigns to increase sales offline Sales and connection between the virtual and the physical world

 How to optimize online campaigns to increase sales offline

 According to a Nielsen study, there is increasing evidence that brand metrics, showing an attitude towards an online campaign, can predict how they will be offline sales. On the other hand, there is no virtual relationship between CTR and the opinion about a brand or offline sales.

Analysing how exposure to online advertising campaigns influenced on the data on marks, as a souvenir or taste, and if consumers were more likely to buy the product after seeing the ad, Nielsen found that online ads affect brand participation and opinion towards her. Although the degree of positive impact depends on the force of the ad.

Customers rarely leave completely his habit of shopping in the real world, and a high percentage of consumers with e-mail are reluctant to make purchases online for different reasons.Therefore, that there is a need for a good online advertising to increase offline sales. Encourage visits to the 'offline stores' occasionally via e-mail can motivate many of these customers to visit again our trade.

Obviously, a connection between the virtual world and physical is technology one of the biggest obstacles here. But that does not mean that it cannot be running systems to have a solid idea of How are online efforts directly affecting conversions and offline sales.

Fusion of strategies Online Offline Increase offline sales

to get an efficient combination between Marketing online and offline should bear in mind at all times the cornerstone of Marketing, i.e., the consumer. To focus efforts and resources towards the satisfaction of the consumer, strategies, both online and offline will always be together, which will lead to better results for the purpose of growth and profitability.

Everything must be consistent. When you invest time and money to attract qualified to a web traffic, is essential to address these actions towards the content of the site suits your goal so that this investment is profitable.

For an analogy in the Marketing Mix offline, is as if you advertise a product on TV getting great coverage and attraction (Promotion), but poor coordination with the distribution to prevent the user find the product in the store and, therefore, not only can not buy it but also that user has had a bad experience with the brand and hard return.

Segmentation and treatment customized

Although most of your clients or contacts expects to receive more offers by e-mail according to upcoming important dates or special events throughout the year, not It means that users open or click on anything that comes to your Inbox.

Specific and custom messages are an effective way to stand out from the large volume of communications that saturate the consumer users mail. However, reaching our customers through their email will require a long-term strategy, since you will need time and effort to gather personal data and behavior. So do not wait until the dates of holiday shopping, keep your active strategy throughout the year.

your web site appearance and marketing online should be similar to your brand out of line. If emails do not have the same appearance as its brochures or used a different logo on its web site that uses in its press advertisements, people won't recognize your brand and you will lose customers. So make sure that your corporate colors and logo are consistent throughout all your marketing.

Códidos QR

QR codes can be undoubtedly a useful and economic resource for our business. They can be easily generated and store encoded information that can be scanned from mobile devices. They can be placed and be used of a multitude of ways to leverage them in our business.

Link to target pages of your 

ads for their advertising campaigns to be successful, must have the destination pages for this site. To fully integrate your offline and online marketing, all campaigns that are running must be linked to a target page. So if a potential client sees your ad in the newspaper with a special offer, can write the URL in the notice and you will be taken to a page that has to do with the offer that he saw in the ad. Its offer will generate many more potential customers and sales when it is linked to an effective landing page.

Planning and frequency of communications

it is important to manage in appropriate and strategic way each of our promotional activities. It is not pumped to the customer, and is therefore vitally important control and establish a reasonable frequency of commercial communications via e-mail.

Increase offline sales
Plan and organize a schedule of dates for trade and a time frame to prepare its strategy, communications, promotions and offers.